Shark Fishing
June – November: (porbeagle and thresher sharks)
By-catch: tope.
The porbeagle and thresher sharks are two of the biggest species of fish to catch in UK waters and are both available from Poole. Silver Spray II is equipped with a range of up-to-date tackle to help you land that special fish. We organise all the ground bait to attract the target species so all that’s needed is to catch some fresh bait. Patience is usually rewarded with this type of fishing but if it’s been a quiet day then other gear can be used to target tope and get a bend in the rod. We fish with 5 anglers max to save having too many tangles and to make sure we have plenty of room onboard when we get a hook up. We recommend booking 2 or 3 days in a block if possible as you are more likely not to be disappointed by the weather that way. All our shark fishing is strictly catch and release, we pride ourselves in taking the upmost care of these fish so that they live on year after year and perhaps return to be caught again one day. No sharks are boated for their safety and that of the anglers.